Thursday 22 December 2016

This X'mas lets raise our Abundance energy:#Prosperity Class Sat 24th Dec

Hello friends

We are holding a free Prosperity class to share some powerful insights to raise our Abundance consciousness...
So what is true Prosperity?
Our definition is: - A Strong healthy physical body to provide a comfortable worldly home for the spiritual beings that we are
- Relationships that are satisfying, nurturing, honest and bring us Joy
- Work that we love so much that it’s not work,
it's play
- And all the money we can spend with love for fulfilling our deepest passions

This class is a Special program of practical steps and exercises, to embark on a wondrous new journey— a journey to true Prosperity.
It would be wonderful to have you join us to bring more richness into our lives & our planet
To Participate Please register on 7718933244/ Whatsapp: 9867313700 with your name and number (we have limited seats and pre registration is mandatory)

Let's raise our Abundance energy together!
All are Welcome to Join

To your Prosperity

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